Congrats to Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan wins Nobel Literature Prize - BBC News
US singer Bob Dylan has been awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature, becoming the first songwriter to win the prestigious award.

The 75-year-old rock legend received the prize "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition".
I just heard that on NPR! How awesome!! :jump: GO, BOB!!! WOO-HOO!!!! :hh:
Haha, and here I am thinking that this says more about the status of contemporary literature (which I admittedly do not know much about) than about the reverence for Bob Dylan ...

Author Irvine Welsh however...
But Trainspotting author Irvine Welsh voiced his displeasure on Twitter, saying: "I'm a Dylan fan, but this is an ill conceived nostalgia award wrenched from the rancid prostates of senile, gibbering hippies."
Some recent reports indicate Dylan may be "evading" his Nobel Prize.

Nobel panel gives up knockin’ on Dylan’s door

Nobel panel gives up knockin’ on Dylan’s door
Days after being awarded the literature prize, Bob Dylan has yet to get in touch with the Swedish Academy, or indicate whether he will attend the celebrations