Anonymous Name

Jan 26, 2019
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United States
  1. Vegan newbie
So after doing research on veganism and health/environment topics I usually come to the same conclusion, my head hurts from the fact that there is so much contradicting information. John Rose goes into more depth about it if you ever watched his videos on YouTube. But why is there so much information that’s it’s just as bad as no information at all. Now John goes into detail that it’s The Powers That Be trying to confuse us to keep us sick and all that stuff. Whether what he says is true or not, and this leads me to my second point, but still goes hand in hand with all the confusion, is why are people leaving veganism? A lot of people are calling it quits and it’s crazy that some will even go carnivore. With that being part of the confusion, is it a lack of community? Other health issues? People blame the vegan diet itself like the carnivores but that 104 year old doctor who just recently passed away seemed to done it just fine. Are some people so damaged that a vegan diet is impossible? Lettuce Discuss!
I don't think that many people are leaving veganism.
Many polls and surveys show that veganism is growing at a very fast rate. For a decade or more the number of vegans in the US was sort of flat. Maybe 1%. But recent polls show the number of American Vegans is now at least 3%.

It's even better in Europe.

Besides polls and surveys, there is lots of anecdotal evidence that veganism and vegetarianism is growing.
Meat-free products are the fastest growing segment of the prepared food market. And plant milks have shown an astounding growth this decade.

But you are absolutely right about the confusion. Take for instance the egg. Although it has been shown to have adverse effects to human health, if you do a google search on eggs, you get article after article that eggs are good for you.

And you are right about blaming the PTBs. The egg board and the dairy board spends millions of taxpayer dollars making sure eggs are well advertised. Big Food spends millions on advertising, and with that, they exert pressure on news outlets not to air stories that are detrimental to their business. Oprah after running a week-long story on beef was sued by the Cattleman's Association. She won. The "Mad Cowboy" spoke out against the beef industry and was indicted by homeland security under the Patriot Act's provisions to protect perishable foods. The Government, Big Pharma, and the big multinationals all have skin in the game. Muddy the waters and seed confusion is one of their best strategies.

News articles on the numbers of vegans.
Thanks for showing presenting this information! From looking around on YouTube, a lot of people have been quiting veganism but with anything there are people going in and out. But seeing that number rise is a positive sign. It’s important to note where the information is coming from because some articles are designed to confuse and mislead people. Yet to be paranoid about it is also a waste of time and energy which can be better well spent for such articles are designed to move people with fear, paranoia, and delusions. But thank you again for presenting the information.
Funny that YT has become like the "news" - if you hear it on YT, it must be true and that it's a reflection of society as a whole, when it's totally not. YT is just like any other media operation - people are usually in it for the money. Good news doesn't sell. Controversy, fear, violence, and drama does.
Yes, but, I think any kind of analysis of YouTubers would also show way more people becoming vegan than people ditching veganism. but yeah. the ditching veganism is more splashy.
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