What is another expression for 'cold turkey?' As in - quitting something suddenly and instantly sans any kind of weaning process? I hate that expression (and never really understood it anyway) but can't think of any other way to say it... :/
Thank you - I'm all over that! I'm hoping that using the word "pig" in a derogatory manner is addressed, cuz IMO, labeling a general [jerk] as a "pig" is an insult to the pig.Maybe not exactly relevant, but related.
Colleen Patrick Goudreau has at least two podcast episodes on this kind of stuff. I listened to them a long time ago so I'm not sure if it includes Cold Turkey. But many other phrases that include animals are discussed and examined.
Definitely worth a listen if you are curious about this kind of stuff.
I love her already@TofuRobot
If I remember right it is more like skin the cat and two birds kind of stuff
It's not that I disagree with PETA, we'll be on the right side of history for sure
but ... this is just not the time for this. people have a hard enough time accepting PETA as it is. no need to add fuel to the "these nut bags are at it again" fire that the carnivorous public loves to warm themselves with.
So why should they be used in our day-to-day expressions?