Can't get VV to stop emailing me notifications


Forum Legend
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
I have "and receive email notifications of replies" (below the thread watching option) unchecked. I have "receive notification of new replies to watched threads" (under notification options) unchecked. Do I have to just manually change every thread I'm watching to "stop watching"?
That happened to me. Go to your subscribed threads and unsubscribe from them all.

I only did it once, then they stopped, but I don't understand why they got subscribed in the first place or why they don't resubscribe. :shrug:
By default all accounts are set to be subscribed (watch) threads in which they post and to be notified about new posts in these threads by email.

When you post in a thread, you have the option to turn one or both of those settings off for the specific thread.

You can change your account settings so that the default for what happens when posting in a new thread is only to watch the thread (subscribe) or both watch and receive emails.

You can also change these two settings for each individual thread at any time.
Does that mean you missed it before or you still can't see it? :p

I missed it before, even though I was looking all over the page. Now I see it.

Just like when I'm in a store, having hunted up and down the aisles, and when I finally ask a clerk, it turns out I'm standing right in front of the item. I do that all the time. Seriously embarrassing. o_O
Me too.
"Where is the bread flour?"
"It's in the Home Baking aisle."
"I looked there for AGES, it isn't there."
*leads me to the 17 brands of bread flour in the Home Baking aisle*