Board style/skins


I don't know what to put here.
Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Will there be more styles/skins added?
When I last looked it was mostly darker ones and I changed mine to the black font/white background one.
Yes, is there a particular kind of style you'd like to see? I think there are lighter versions of the default style (Flexile Dark - Blue) available that I can just download and install.
I wouldn't mind more light themes. Or maybe some not-so-dark ones. My eyes can't take the dark ones.
Yeah, I'd love more light(er) themes, different color variations. I'll have to look at the styles again, I just went with the one that had the black font/white background so it was easier for me to read the board.
The only dark board that I can stand to look at for long periods of time is one that is like a medium grey and the text (thread links) is yellow. Text in the posts is white but I think that the grey shade they use is not dark enough for it to bother me much. The main colour in the background is #1C1C1C.
I like Flexible dark green. I want to use Modified Style because it fills the screen but the mint green is a bit too light and hurts the eyes with the green and orange font. Any chance of changing just that colour?
I am using the Xenforo style. I am also on a big monitor and usually have the browser stretched out quite a ways; is there a way to alternate the row colors? On Xenforo, every row is white with a thin blue line between each. Can it do something like the example below?
