Health Issues Blood with my poop


Foot Fetisher
May 31, 2012
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First, this is going to be kind of gross. Second, I don't know any of the medical terminology.

So, it felt like I was shitting a pinecone. I looked down into the toilet bowl whilst sitting on it and noticed a sizable amount of blood. After wiping my ***, I deduced that the blood was coming from my *******. I've wiped blood from my *** after pooping before, but this was the first time there was blood in the toilet bowl.

I don't have insurance, so I typically don't rush to see a doctor unless I think I'm gonna die. If it gets worse, I will though. I'll increase my water intake. I haven't been drinking as much water as I should be, and drinking lots of coffee and beer.
The fact that it hurt coming out is probably good since it suggests rectal bleeding rather than intestinal bleeding or something. How red was it? Supposedly if it's very red that indicates more likelyhood it's from rectal bleeding and if it's darker that indicates more likelyhood that it's from somewhere higher up (the latter being potentially very dangerous).

Disclaimer: I have no medical expertise whatsoever. That is just what I gathered from a quick google search and may be inaccurate.
You could also try switching your toilet paper while the area heals - like the "sensitive" ones or the ones with aloe. Some people even use baby wipes for that, nice and gentle.
The fact that it hurt coming out is probably good since it suggests rectal bleeding rather than intestinal bleeding or something. How red was it? Supposedly if it's very red that indicates more likelyhood it's from rectal bleeding and if it's darker that indicates more likelyhood that it's from somewhere higher up (the latter being potentially very dangerous).

Disclaimer: I have no medical expertise whatsoever. That is just what I gathered from a quick google search and may be inaccurate.
I also have no medical training or expertise. However, in a wilderness first aid class I took we also learned that rule about the color.

You could also try switching your toilet paper while the area heals - like the "sensitive" ones or the ones with aloe. Some people even use baby wipes for that, nice and gentle.
I second this suggestion. Last semester I developed a cut on my ******* and would have often a bit of blood on my toilet paper after wiping (although it was never bad enough that I could see blood in the bowl like you describe). This went on for several weeks. But when I moved home and switched from scratchy dorm room TP to softer stuff it stopped happening.
I agree with the others. If it continues, you should see a doctor, but if it ends up being an isolated incident, you're probably fine.
Sounds like a fissure. I have one of those, this happens sometimes, but it's not common and it only lasts about 24 hours. If it persists, see a doctor. Otherwise, I think you'll live, unless it's a heck of a lot of blood, or it actually starts leaking out when you're not having a bowel movement (keep an eye on the state of your underwear)
I agree with all the other responses, but wanted to suggest try eating more foods with fiber (or just eat a lot of prunes) so your next bowel movement is super soft and not so painful if it is a fissure or hemerroid .
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Sounds like the 'ol rhoids to me. I Always get 'em at the end of my pregnancy and they're a ***** but there's not much you can do for 'em.
I don't have insurance. I have never had insurance. I don't think you need to become a doctor to be able to educate yourself about things that can go wrong with your body.

I wouldn't worry about this unless it continues for a week. Meanwhile, drink some prune juice, take some psyllium husks in a lot of water, and stop eating pine cones.
I haven't pooped yet today, but I do consume a lot of fiber, I think. Brown rice, whole wheat pasta and bagels are pretty much a staple of my diet.
Oh well prune juice is more of a stool softener, which is what you need just now, and the soluble fiber in psyllium husk (and beans and lentils) is better for you right now than the rougher fibers found in grains. Grain fibers can be extremely irritating to injured bowel linings.
It seems to me that your ******* got stabbed. Assholes getting stabbed is a pretty common occurrence
I get a can of bulk husks from the health food store. You might find them in the health food section of a better quality supermarket too.
Ive heard kiwifruit fibre is good too. There are a number of different fibre products around.