My most recent was a couple hours ago, out on the porch. I heard the sound of munchkins approaching... turned out to be two (boy & girl), plus the father (who was a playmate of mine when I was a child). They stop in front of the house, I say "Hey" or something to that effect... Dad was putting daughter's hair into a ponytail, then she says, "You're a good daddy." It just seemed a little staged. To me. They rounded the corner & he finally shouts, "What's new?" -- Oh, no! Someone's trying to make small talk! -- "Not a whole lot... just doin' some cookin'" (as might be implied by the apron I'm wearing).... Little girl munchkin pipes up, "We're having a campfire!" -- Greeaaat... please don't invite me, please don't invite me.... -- "Nice! Enjoy!" (as I shrink further back into the corner)
Ughhh.... munchkins.... that are spawn of people I grew up with.... awkward.
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