Question Are we born as meat eaters or vegan?

Jinendra Singh

Forum Senior
May 22, 2018
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united Kingdom
  1. Vegan newbie
We are definitely not born vegan, as they consume no animal products including eggs and (more importantly) milk. Babies are best served by being breast fed as much of their early immunity to disease is conferred by their mother's immune system via her milk. However we are also not born meat eaters as our digestive system is not robust enough to handle a meat only diet.
Being vegan is about avoiding animal exploitation, which means they would not take milk made for anothers baby. We are mammals, just as a cow makes milk for her own calf, a woman makes milk for her own baby. Breastfeeding is vegan.
Yes, if you're raised without animal products and are breastfed, you are raised vegan
Depends how far back you go. We are primates and the one thing all primates have in common is a largely vegetarian diet - mostly vegan with some species supplementing with eggs and some eating insects occasionally. Our teeth are not designed for ripping apart raw flesh and our intestines share the same body ratio as those of herbivores. It would seem that fruit and nuts form the bulk of a natural primate diet but that might not be the healthiest option to feed what we have adapted to become. Even the use of grains in the human diet go back much further in time than one might imagine.
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I believe we are born vegan. We drink milk from our mothers and then unfortunately (or fortunately) we are weaned and fed what our parents believe is best for us. Unless you are raised by vegan parents this will include meat, dairy & eggs. However if you placed an apple and a pig in front of a child, it would know which one to eat and which one to play with. Children have compassion but we shield them from the truth of the meat industry so they will continue to eat what we place in front of them. Our bodies are certainly not designed like carnivores and are omnivorous at most. However we have been blessed with the freedom of choice, compassion and the ability to thrive on a plant based diet. Yes definitely born vegan :)
We're opportunistic eaters, we eat what we have available. Certainly not born hunters, but can catch small mammals, birds, and fish well enough on our own and use weapons. If enough vegetation is available plant based would be the easiest path
I believe we are born vegan. We drink milk from our mothers and then unfortunately (or fortunately) we are weaned and fed what our parents believe is best for us. Unless you are raised by vegan parents this will include meat, dairy & eggs. However if you placed an apple and a pig in front of a child, it would know which one to eat and which one to play with. Children have compassion but we shield them from the truth of the meat industry so they will continue to eat what we place in front of them. Our bodies are certainly not designed like carnivores and are omnivorous at most. However we have been blessed with the freedom of choice, compassion and the ability to thrive on a plant based diet. Yes definitely born vegan :)

I do not agree with you that we are born vegans because as babies our first food is milk so, how can we be vegans?

But I also agree with you on the point that kids are compassionate and know that an apple is for eating and a pig is for playing.

I have to confess that I became a vegetarian just a few months ago after watching a heart-breaking video on twitter about animal-cruelty. The video was about testing make-up products on animals (dogs and monkey and how they get blind etc.) but that video was devastating so I searched more on the topic and saw many more videos about meat industry and one particular video of a calf watching another cow getting slaughtered changed my mindset completely. I had tears in my eyes after watching that and immediately promised myself that this is it. I am never ever-ever in my life ever going to eat meat again and buy products that are animal tested.

Honestly, now I regret eating meat all these years. I feel that people should not introduce their kids to meat at a young age. When I will have kids in future, I will raise them as vegetarians :)
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I do not agree with you that we are born vegans because as babies our first food is milk so, how can we be vegans?

But I also agree with you on the point that kids are compassionate and know that an apple is for eating and a pig is for playing.

I have to confess that I became a vegetarian just a few months ago after watching a heart-breaking video on twitter about animal-cruelty. The video was about testing make-up products on animals (dogs and monkey and how they get blind etc.) but that video was devastating so I searched more on the topic and saw many more videos about meat industry and one particular video of a calf watching another cow getting slaughtered changed my mindset completely. I had tears in my eyes after watching that and immediately promised myself that this is it. I am never ever-ever in my life ever going to eat meat again and buy products that are animal tested.

Honestly, now I regret eating meat all these years. I feel that people should not introduce their kids to meat at a young age. When I will have kids in future, I will raise them as vegetarians :)
There is nothing more vegan than a mothers milk! A fetus grows inside of a woman, sharing everything she has. Breast milk is an extension of how to feed a baby once born, and made specifically for the infant - there is no other reason for milk!
Vegans avoid exploitation, that pretty much sums it up! Not taking what doesn't belong to you. Mothers milk belongs to her baby!
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Breastfeeding is certainly being respectful of a vegan's way of life. It is natural and not exploiting a woman's body. I also don't see any other alternative for a vegan mum to be able to feed a vegan new born. o_O

Many women also give their milk to milk banks at hospitals for premature babies. This helps to save lives and certainly is vegan. There is no cruelty (it can be a bit painful 😁) or exploitation involved, including exchange of money.
I'm repeating something that I have typed on another forum, but like it or not, humans evolved as omnivores so going vegan (usually by going vegetarian first) requires a conscious decision. Also look at the fact that most coastal towns started as fishing ports (the exceptions being those towns which grew as purpose-built resorts from the 19th century onwards); whilst most inland towns grew up around a market. The English market town in which I was brought up had an abbatoir, a tannery, a leather works and a carpet factory (all of which have long-since closed); carpet-making would have started back in the day when wool rather than acrylic fibre was the material. So you see how our whole societies have developed with the exploitation of animals as a resource.