I went vegan after watching Meet Your Meat back in 2005 so they definitely change hearts and do good in this world.
I love PETA! They do everything they can t help animals which i admire! I found out about them from another forum several years ago. They helped me go vegan .They only euthanize animals that are severely ill that can not be healed. A lot of people don't seem to understand that.
I like their action alerts. I send a lot of emails to companies, universities, etc to speak up for animals.
I wish that were true. The reality is that Peta euthanizes nearly all the animals that comes through its doors, including healthy kittens and puppies. To be fair, it does encourage people who want to surrender healthy animals to go to a shelter instead, but like in most places, shelters are frequently full and can't take owner surrenders without a wait. Please google Peta and euthanasia and you'll find a lot of articles on their practices. FYI, they also support BSL - breed specific legislation - and would not support the rescue and rehabilitation of Michael Vick's rescued pit bulls.
How do you know they euthanize healthy animals? They say they don't and why would they. Most no kill shelters fill up so the only alternative these animals have are the pound or to starve to death on the street. PETA provides free and low cost spay and neuter in the poor or working class Appalachian region, and rescues stray or abused animals. Then they place them in homes, move the most adoptable remaining ones to traditional shelters, keep a few then have to euthanize the sick, dying and completely unadoptable because again, starving to death on the street is a thing, and animal hoarding is against the law.
My vegetarian friend who has a private no kill cat shelter supports PETA. I honestly think you're repeating propaganda. Most people in the West are unrealistic about the state of homeless or abused animals. At least PETA does something about it.
How do you know they euthanize healthy animals? They say they don't and why would they.
Statistics are meaningless taken out of context. I have a science degree, and this is a thing.
Statistics are meaningless taken out of context. I have a science degree, and this is a thing.
I'm editing this now to re-explain what I thought I had already explained. PETA shelter is a "last resort" that isn't suffering, slow death, homelessness, sickness, starvation etc. They place every animal they can ELSEWHERE, so of course most remaining animals are euthanized. Vegans who don't understand euthanasia live on Fantasy Island. PETA isnt the problem, people who don't spay or neuter their pets and/or abandon them outside are.
As an undergrad we spent one whole class period looking at how conservative think tanks manipulate statistics dishonestly or in isolation to deny climate science. You really should be more suspicious of meat eaters, which means most mainstream media.
Living in Europe, I can not envisage the kind of mindset that a "shelter" would immediately kill 95 % of the animals that are handed over to them.
I understand not every animal can find a new home, but "rescuing" an animal only in order to kill it immediately?
Why not simply send hunters or policemen with guns to places where animals are kept in poor condition to murder them on the spot and call it "animal welfare" ...