Hello all. New to the forum and new to being vegan. I started out about 4 months ago taking away meat from my diet and the quickly took out all animal products. So far over the past 4 or 5 months everything's been pretty good. I do feel better but I do still struggle with what my diet consist of. Starting out I was very healthy. I consumed pressed juices and tons of veggies and some rices. That was primarily my diet. Then I started to drift away from eating healthy every meal. I started incorporating tofu or fake meat products ( ex. Gardein) maybe every other day. Soon after that I have some type of product like that everyday or so. I recently have noticed myself eating not good but still vegan. Instead of lots of fruits and veggies I'll have vegan pizza or a pasta or tofu something. That's not a healthy diet period whether omnivore or vegan. I have been wondering lately though about whether going back to a healthy omnivore diet would be better because I feel like I can't really stay very full for long eating like this, however eating a healthy omnivore diet (little organic lean meats) would potentially satisfy both the little craving for meat and keep me fuller for longer. Please don't bring up a ethical point of view on this. I'm just wondering for health purposes only. My main question really is what would be healthier, a good omnivore diet or a poor vegan diet. We all can agree that processed foods are bad and at what point is organic lean meats like chicken better than say gardein or beyond meat products? Thanks for your help.