Media 42 days of vegan! Help me transition?

John Isaacson

Feb 7, 2017
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Hi everyone,

I'm documenting my transition to a vegan diet and how it has affected my health. I'm loving every minute so far but trying to remain neutral ;) . I decided to do this both for health and ethical reasons but i have been a meat eater all my life up until January 2017!

I have measured my blood pressure, PH levels, Testosterone, muscle mass, and strength throughout and have made a couple of videos. which you can see below.

I am a personal trainer & sports coach and hold some basic qualifications in nutrition as well and have found the transition fairly simple in terms of diet. I would love some feedback. I'll be making two more videos and measuring my testosterone and ph again at the end of the 6 weeks ( Feb 16th ). Let me know if there are any topics i should cover before then. My next idea was a video for choosing the right carbs on a vegan diet.

anyways let me know and happy watching :)