22 maps that show how US states pronounce words differently

That's cool. A couple notes:

Two or more people are referred to as "youse guys" in parts of the Northeast. (sounds like "use guys")
We have bubblers where I live but they refer to specific kinds of water fountains; those that run continuously.
In the Bay Area of California, "The City" refers to San Francisco. "Let's go to The City for dinner"
I live in the Los Angeles area and I've never heard of anyone refer to LA as "The City". :???: It may be because the entire Los Angeles County is referred to as "Los Angeles" or "LA" even when you're miles away from the actual city of Los Angeles. If we're on the furthest edges of the county, we'd say "Let's go to LA for dinner", not "The City". However, a good part of the population of the county is made of up transplants from other parts of the US (as well as the world), so it's possible some residents refer to LA as "The City". Just not me or the people I know. :p
Probably because it's not obvious when you are in the city of Los Angeles proper and one of it's suburbs. There is no distinct culture or geography. By comparison, San Francisco is quite different from The Peninsula, East Bay, South Bay and Marin, etc...