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  1. Forest Nymph

    I was told I am an idiot today.

    I have experienced the fanaticism of meat eaters for my entire life. People who make fun of someone for ordering the mainstream, fast food plain cheese or "veggie supreme" pizza, not even to mention (or think!) of something vegan-friendly. Outright bullying of people who won't participate in...
  2. Forest Nymph

    I was told I am an idiot today.

    I honestly don't care what people like that think. They're just projecting their own brainwashing-since-birth ignorance on to you. There is no deeper ideology than a person who never questions what they were taught from childhood onward. This describes most anti-vegans. I will hesitate to say it...
  3. Forest Nymph

    Emotional Support Please

    In some forms of Buddhism it's permissible to eat something that is freely given as long as YOU PERSONALLY did not purchase the animal product or participate in hunting/fishing/slaughter. It's similar to "freeganism" where people dumpster dive or only eat vegan when they purchase their own food...
  4. Forest Nymph

    Emotional Support Please

    I've personally studied Buddhist principles of non-harm and the history of Asian philosophies, and the idea behind being lacto-vegetarian is when it really doesn't harm the animals. This includes goats or cows who are loved as companion animals (or even as minor deities or guardians in some...
  5. Forest Nymph

    Free-Food Revolution Summit 2020

    Yeah I listened to these yesterday and passed the link on to Vegan Club. We are still chatting through a group app. Thanks! Also, you can listen to recorded versions of the Food Revolution podcasts up to 21 hours after they end if you miss them.
  6. Forest Nymph

    Raw until 4 pm - problem sleeping

    I don't believe that detox is real unless you mean that you are coming off of alcohol, drugs, or other prescriptions/chemicals. The closest thing you might have to detox when going vegan is clearing out your digestive system from meat that might be rotting there, or getting things moving...
  7. Forest Nymph

    Free-Food Revolution Summit 2020

    The Animal Liberation Online Assembly is also free. It is on April 18th, this Saturday afternoon. Donations are suggested but not required.
  8. Forest Nymph

    Vegan for five years and considering eggs

    I have been vegan for five years and I have never lost my menstrual cycle or become too thin. This is a myth perpetuated by people who do "raw" veganism or similar starvation diets. I'm quite a strong peasant lady for a vegan woman. I can haul an assload of groceries for at least a mile.
  9. Forest Nymph

    Vegan for five years and considering eggs

    My ex-bf had his own chicken and ducks. They were his pets, his babies. I know, I lived with him for a month, with him and his ducks and chickens and three cats. He ate a lot of vegan meals, and a lot of his own companion animals' eggs. He collected their eggs in the morning. He told me if I...
  10. Forest Nymph

    How do you respond to:"I know,but I just don't care though"

    I have to deal with a lot of variations on this, from people in my undergrad major being so depressed from climate change that they hope everyone dies really fast (especially humans, they feel bad for the animals, but they want the humans to die so bad even more than I do (amazingly) that they...
  11. Forest Nymph

    Does anyone ever feel alone as an animal rights vegan?

    Well my absolutely favorite moments as an activist were definitely with DXE. When we marched in Berkeley and protested inside the Berkeley Bowl, then on a different day went to a rich neighborhood in San Francisco and peacefully hijacked a Whole Foods. I've considered moving to the Bay Area just...
  12. Forest Nymph

    Does anyone ever feel alone as an animal rights vegan?

    I think I've answered one of your other threads on this, but there are different kinds of "loneliness." I've got quite a bit of support with acquaintances or friends. I know a good ten people in town I can talk to about animal rights, and more like 50 I can talk to who live down in Berkeley or...
  13. Forest Nymph

    Suggestion for staple food

    Im not a doctor but your extremely restrictive diet and fear of whole foods suggests orthorexia. It STRONGLY suggests orthorexia. Rice you just soak and rinse to remove traces of arsenic. Soaking and rinsing rice is fairly standard. Everything else you're demonizing becomes wholesome and...
  14. Forest Nymph

    Barbarians at the Gate

    I've found a lot of support inadvertently mostly among people my age or a little younger who have recently been to grad school, including one woman seeking her Master's in English Literature who lost her position as a TA in part to department politics and just a lot of weird stuff going on these...
  15. Forest Nymph

    My vegan wedding

    One of the things I will say is that vegans can experience real, awful rejection from their loved ones and I have no goal to downplay that. My ex made fun of my vegetarianism, and tried to stop me from becoming vegan. Even as a vegetarian he tried keeping yogurt in the fridge and suggesting...
  16. Forest Nymph

    My vegan wedding

    It's your wedding. People eat vegan food constantly - avocado toast, sticky rice, apples, pretzels, lentil soup, dolma, hummus and flat bread, margarine, pasta primavera, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, granola bars or trail mix, celery with peanut butter and raisins, Graham crackers...
  17. Forest Nymph

    Barbarians at the Gate

    I feel now that I have a duty to tell the dean everything and potentially try to get my department chair removed. Though I was happy and did not wish him any particular harm when I last posted here, since then he's attempted a completely inappropriate and outrageous jab at me that made me...
  18. Forest Nymph

    Barbarians at the Gate

    Thank you but it's not that simple. I don't think he's shaking in his boots, tbh. Im honestly under the impression he's in love/lust/infatuation with one of my peer enemies and is therefore completely irreversibly and irrationally biased against me. Although things with the mediator went well...
  19. Forest Nymph

    How can I tell if a veggie burger is vegan

    The overwhelming voice here besides mine was pessimistic, frankly behind the times and strangely convinced that the OP can even get vegan shopping items at home or knows how to do it for himself at 15 besides PB&J. I am not against bag lunches but the OP asked about school food. I happen to...
  20. Forest Nymph

    How can I tell if a veggie burger is vegan

    This is something I know from being in the CSU system, it's not part of AB 479. I also disagree with the people here who keep pressuring you to bring your lunch. One, because you're 15 and might not want to shop or cook. Two, because I remember preferring hot lunches over cold sandwiches when I...